University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Student Stress Focus Group Participation

A msg from Janet Madden, the Director of Academic Services - please forward to your club members if this sounds like something they would be interested participating in!!!


Dear Law Students--I know you guys are busy people, but this might be fun and interesting. The university is studying student stress, and they want to set up focus groups that include grad students like you. Read on for more information. ~Janet
(And please feel free to send this along to anyone you think might want to participate.)

"A pizza for your thoughts!"
The Stress Task Force is recruiting student volunteers to take part in focus groups that will take place over the next few weeks. Dining Services is serving pizza, fruit & drinks to participants in the focus group sessions, which will last an hour and a half. Please invite any students who might be interested, to contact Margaret at: for more information. (See attached flyer) We still need students for all targeted groups (females, men, first-year, seniors, graduate students, students of color, & student athletes). Sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis.


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