University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Monday, September 10, 2007

Community Forum on Student Privacy Rights & Campus Security Concerns, Sponsored by EBGBA, NAACP, and Malcolm X Library

The Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association, NAACP SD Branch and Malcolm X
> Library will present a community forum on Student Privacy Rights &
> Campus Security Concerns on Monday, September 24, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.,
> at the Malcolm X Library (5148 Market Street).
> As the media continues to dissect how this year's massacre at Virginia
> Polytechnic Institute was able to happen, how it could have been
> circumvented, the steps that could have been used to reduce the number
> of lives lost and what measures can be taken to prevent another such
> tragedy from occurring, parents and students need to know if they are
> safe from this same tragedy on their own school campuses. This
> presentation will discuss the issues surrounding how educational
> institutions have to balance student privacy rights with each campus'
> concerns about security in light of current events and recent court
> decisions.
> EBGBA member Anthony Ayeni, Esq. will moderate the panel that includes:
> JoAnne SawyerKnoll, Esq. - City of San Diego Deputy Chief of Ethics &
> Integrity Dept. & Former General Counsel for San Diego Unified School
> District, Daniel Shinoff, Esq.- Partner at Stutz, Artiano, Shinoff &
> Holtz and Jack Sleeth, Esq. - Partner at Stutz, Artiano, Shinoff & Holtz.
> Key topics include:
> Privacy rights of students
> Justified security concerns of educational institutions
> Balancing competing interests in educational environments
> Ethical duty/mandate vs. intrusion on a student's privacy rights
> Cultural and parental influences vs. Institutional concerns
> Navigating the educational system for special needs students
> Disciplinary issues for students
> The public is invited to attend and light refreshments will be served
> following the forum. For further information, you may contact me by
> return email reply or at or 619.507.1304 or Marc
> Chery, Branch Manager of the Malcolm X Library, at 619.527.3405.
> I have attached a flyer to post or pass on to others who may benefit
> from this timely discussion. I hope to see you there to participate,
> answer any of your concerns and to have an open dialogue.
> Lei-Chala
> EBGBA President 2007
> "Rising to the Occasion"
> NAACP SD Branch 1st Vice President
> "Keeping the Vision . . .Staying the Course"


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