University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Monday, October 08, 2007

First Annual Diversity Summit

Dear Professional,
As an individual who values diversity, we ask you to please join the us for our First Annual Diversity Summit featuring:

- Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole (Chair of the JBC Global Diversity Institute),
- Radm. Leendert R. Hering (Commander Navy Region South West),
- Consuelo C. Kickbusch (U.S. Army - RET),
- Jessie Knight Jr. (Sempra Energy),
- Luke Visconti (DiversityInc Magazine),
- Juan Williams (Award-Winning Journalist),
- Dr. Julie Wong (University of Texas at El Paso),

And others as we discuss - Best Practices in Diversity and Inclusion: Ensuring Success in the Global Market.

We have lined up over 21 presenters for this one day event who will cover a wide-range of topics important to the local and global success of your company.

We also invite you to participate in our Reception and Awards Ceremony (October 11) in which we will present the Urban League's President's Award for Diversity to local companies for their diversity efforts.

For complete details, including registration, please visit us at:

Volunteers needed, please contact Mr. Keith Goosby at 619-920-6358 for more information.

Best regards,

/Maurice D. Wilson
Vice President
Urban League of San Diego County


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