University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Monday, October 01, 2007

Juvenile Justice Post-Graduate Fellowship Announcement

The Loyola Law School Center for Juvenile Law and Policy isseeking applications for a post-graduate fellowship in theCenter's Juvenile Justice Clinic. The fellowship is designed for recent law school graduates who possess ademonstrated interest in indigent juvenile defense andjuvenile justice issues. The fellowship is a two yearappointment, beginning on August 1, 2008. The fellowship is designed to provide a well developed practical skill set aswell as clinical teaching experience. The Center is a legal clinic that brings public service,education and advocacy together to improve the quality of legal services provided to youth in the juvenile delinquencysystem. The clinic provides free legal services to childrenin the Los Angeles delinquency courts while providingstudents with vital litigation skills and the opportunity topractice in the public interest.

In the Fall of the first year, the fellow will participate in a year long academic program designed to developlitigation and trial advocacy skills with a focus oncriminal and delinquency defense. Beginning in the fallsemester, the fellow will begin representing clients in the delinquency courts under the direction of the Center'sclinical supervisors.

In the second year, the fellow will take on an increasedcaseload and be expected to mentor clinical students. Thefellow will also have an opportunity to design and teachmodules of the class room component of the clinic and willbe expected to collaborate extensively in the simulatedexercises. The fellowship will provide an opportunity tospend two years developing skills as a criminal litigator aswell as a clinical instructor. The fellow can expect to beexposed to a broad range of juvenile justice issues and willparticipate in any initiatives undertaken by the Center.However, it is not expected that fellows will have time toengage in independent scholarly research and writing. Recent graduates will be considered, but must be sworn in to the California Bar by December 2008. Candidates mustpossess strong academic credentials, strong written and oralcommunication skills and a demonstrated commitment to publicinterest lawyering. Supervisory experience is desirable. The salary is competitive with other public interestfellowships and will be based on the number of years oflegal experience. Fellows are eligible to receive anexcellent benefits package provided by Loyola MarymountUniversity.

Applicants should submit the following:

* A personal statement of no more than 750 wordsdescribing the applicant's relevant experience, interest in juvenile criminal defense and an explanation of how thefellowship fits within the applicant's professional goals

* Resume

* Writing sample of 10 - 15 pages

* Three references mailed directly to the school from the author

* Law school transcript

Applications must be received by November 15, 2007, and addressed to:

Roxanne Hill

Juvenile Justice Fellowship

The Loyola Law School Center for Juvenile Law and Policy

919 Albany Street

Los Angeles, CA 90015

No phone calls please.

Loyola Law School maintains a strong commitment todiversity. Applications from women and members of groupstraditionally underrepresented are especially welcome


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