University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Past PALSD President Elected President-Elect of SDCBA

Past PALSD President Jerrilyn Malana was elected 2008 President-Elect of the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) by her fellow SDCBA Board members on Tuesday. Jerri has an extensive history of volunteer service to the SDCBA, the community, and the legal profession. She has served on the SDCBA’s Board of Directors for two years and currently serves as Secretary on the Executive Committee.

A shareholder at Littler Mendelson, P.C., Jerri has also served as a board member of the Filipino American Lawyers of San Diego and as Regional Governor for the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. She is also this year's recipient of the Trailblazer Award, NAPABA's highest honor in recognition of the outstanding achievements, commitment and leadership of lawyers who have paved the way for the advancement of other APA attorneys. In the community, Jerri serves on the boards of the San Diego Opera, Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC), and San Diego Asian Film Foundation. She is also the co-chair of Littler Mendelson's national Diversity Council and has been a key contributor of efforts to increase opportunities for women, attorneys of color, and gays and lesbians within the Firm, Bar, and throughout the legal and business community.

In the 108-year history of the SDCBA, Jerri will be become only the ninth woman, the second lawyer of color, and the first Asian-American to serve as its President when she succeeds Heather Rosing in 2009.


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