University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Monday, March 10, 2008

Redefining Civic Engagement and Asian Americans

Come to a day where we explore the many dimensions of what civic
engagement means for Asian Pacific Islanders (API's). While learning
about what civic engagement entails in terms of public policy for the
API community, participants will also be encouraged to try and connect
what they learn to their everyday lives. Through workshops, panels and
open dialogue, we hope to encourage civic participation on many levels.

The day will include the opportunity for political networking with
actual API political leaders while offering valuable skill sets for
community members to become active and effective advocates, leaders
and elected officials.

Workshops include*:
- How to Get Involved on Boards and Commissions
- Advocacy Training: Converting Ideas into Actions
- Effectively Communicating Your Ideas
- How to Influence Your Elected Officials

*Workshop topics are subject to change

When: April 5th, 2008; 8:30 AM ­ 3:30 PM

Where: Cal State Los Angeles

How: Register online at

Cost: $15 general, FREE for students (includes lunch and materials)

Funded by The James Irvine Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Southern
California Edison, AT&T, and The PepsiCO Leadership Center of Cal State LA


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