University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Friday, March 28, 2008

Redefining Civic Engagement and Asian Americans

Come to a day where we explore the many dimensions of what civic
engagement means for Asian Pacific Islanders (API's). While learning
about what civic engagement entails in terms of public policy for the
API community, participants will also be encouraged to try and connect
what they learn to their everyday lives. Through workshops, panels and
open dialogue, we hope to encourage civic participation on many levels.

The day will include the opportunity for political networking with
actual API political leaders while offering valuable skill sets for
community members to become active and effective advocates, leaders and
elected officials.

Workshops include*:
- How to Get Involved on Boards and Commissions
- Advocacy Training: Converting Ideas into Actions
- Making Media Your Tool for Advocacy
- How to Influence Your Elected Officials

*Workshop topics are subject to change

When: April 5th, 2008; 8:30 AM ­ 3:30 PM

Where: Cal State Los Angeles, Golden Eagle Room

How: Register online at

Cost: $15 general, FREE for students (includes lunch and materials)

Funded by The James Irvine Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Southern
California Edison, AT&T, and The PepsiCO Leadership Center of Cal State LA

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grand Sumo is coming to LA!!!

SDAFF PLANET B-BOY Film Screening, Live Performances, and Free After Party : Friday, 3/28, at the Ken Cinemas

Dear SD Community Friends,

The San Diego Asian Film Foundation is organizing a big event coming up this Friday, 3/28, for our first quarterly screening of the year. It's the theatrical debut of PLANET B-BOY, a riveting documentary profiling some of the best B-Boys (breakdancers) around the world, vying for the title of World Champion. Along with the film, we have arranged for live B-Boy performances, giveaways, plus, a free PLANET B-BOY After PARTY! PLEASE come out if you can, and pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. (And add the info to your blogs, please!)

PLANET B-BOY, directed by Benson Lee

Friday, March 28
7:15 PM and 9 PM
Live B-boy performances before each show

Landmark Ken Cinema
4061 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 921116
General Admission: $9.00, SDAFF members: $5

Screenings followed by the PLANET B-BOY Party
Open to the public (21 and up)
Free admission, 9 PM
Red C Lounge
756 Fifth Ave
San Diego, CA 92101

For more information:

About the Film:
With compelling characters and vibrant dance sequences, PLANET B-BOY is set in the international world of B-boying - the urban dance more commonly known as "breakdancing." Weaving between the vivid backdrops of Osaka, Paris, Seoul and Las Vegas, unforgettable images frame the intimate stories of dancers who struggle for their dreams despite being misunderstood by larger society and even their own families.

An American dancer in Vegas looks for his big break; a Korean son seeks his father's approval; a twelve-year-old boy in France confronts his family's racism - all the b-boys' lives collide in Germany where their skills are put to the ultimate test: the "Battle of the Year" finals, with crews from 18 nations vying for the title of World Champion. PLANET B-BOY features electrifying dance performances and astonishing displays of power and grace, showing how a street dance from New York has evolved into an inspiring art form for a new generation around the world. - 95 minutes. - Not Rated.
Official website:

Lee Ann Kim
Executive Director
San Diego Asian Film Foundation

Saturday, March 22, 2008

THOMAS JEFFERSON SCHOOL OF LAW Diversity Week March 24 – March 28, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Library Building, Room 300

“Diversity: Changing the Legal Landscape”, Sponsored by Outlaw

Featuring: Ms. Kim-Thoa Hoang, Deputy District Attorney & Diversity Pipeline Chair, and others TBA

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Courtyard Building Student Lounge

Bone Marrow Registry Drive, Sponsored by APALSA

Right now patients of every racial & ethnic background are in urgent need of a marrow donor in order to survive. The best chance of a marrow match is between people who share the same heritage.

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Courtyard

Diversity Luncheon & Dinner, Sponsored by APALSA, BLSA, La Raza, MELSA & Outlaw

Come sample delicious foods prepared by TJSL’s various Diversity Orgs

$6/plate; Visit the APALSA Bone Marrow Registry Drive and receive $1 off!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Library Building, Room 300

Diversity Judge Panel, Sponsored by La Raza & TJSL

Featuring Judges Irma Gonzales, Vallera Johnson, Lillian Lim, and Browder Willis. Moderator, Tim Spearman.

5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Library Building, Moot Court Room

“The Doctrine of Discovery & Its Effects on American Indian Land Rights”

Featuring author and legal scholar, Steve Newcomb, Co-founder & Co-director of the Indigenous Law Institute

For more questions, contact Dana Chapnick at

Thursday, March 27, 2008

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Courtyard Building, Room 101

“Iraq in Fragments” Film screening, Sponsored by MELSA

5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Courtyard Moot Court Room

“Lavender Law Conference Update”, Sponsored by Outlaw & Career Services

Rebecca Anderson, Outlaw member & TJSL student discussing the Conference

Friday, March 28, 2008

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Courtyard

Jazz Night, Hosted by BLSA and TJSL Dept. of Admissions

Honoring Dwayne Moring, Victor Nunez, and Myrna Pascual

Enjoy the sounds of the “Dylan Wilson Trio” while mingling with students, our esteemed faculty, and your colleagues within the legal community

Tickets $5 in advance/$10 day of event. Tickets are LIMITED. RSVP to

List of Fellowship and Internship Opportunities

The following listing is for students interested in financial assistance programs and/or work experience.

Note: The deadlines change year by year and/or may have been extended. Please double check the application deadlines if you are interested in any of the following opportunities.

Federal Government Internships/Fellowships

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Programs
Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF)
Application Deadline: September, 2007

This PMF fellows program was created to attract outstanding persons from many academic disciplines to the federal government who are interested in, and committed to careers in, the analysis and management of public policies and programs. This highly selective, leadership program recruits outstanding masters', law or doctoral-level students for a two-year developmental fellowship at various Federal Agencies. The PMF Application will be available via a vacancy announcement on USAJOBS ( and via the PMF Application webpage. The application period typically opens in September and closes in October annually. Applicants must finish a graduate degree in the academic year that they are applying and be nominated by their school's nomination official (dean, chairperson, etc.)

Executive Branch Opportunities

White House Fellows Program
Application Deadline: February 1, 2008

This program, which is intended for young professionals with academic/professional excellence, places recipients in Cabinet Level Agencies, The Executive Office of the President, the Vice President's Office, or in smaller federal agencies for one year. White House Fellows typically spend a year working as full time special assistants to senior White House Staff, The Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries, and other top-ranking government officials. They also participate in an education program consisting of round table discussions with renowned leaders from the private and public sectors and trips to study U.S. policy in action. Fellowships are awarded on a non-partisan basis and applicants must have completed their undergraduate
degrees and be working in their chosen fields.

Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Student and Emerging Leaders Programs
Student Internships Program:
Emerging Leaders Program: and
Application Deadlines: Internships Program - Rolling; Emerging Leaders Program - Recruitment Begins November, 2007

The Student Internships Program is a listing of internship and research/training opportunities throughout the department. The Emerging Leaders Program is a two year program to let applicants explore fields within HHS related to their academic background, which involves departmental rotations the first year and a fixed placement the second year. Students must have one or more of the following degrees: Bachelor's (with work experience), Masters, JD, or Ph.D.

Department of the Interior (DOI) Internship Programs

The Department operates three career intern programs:

The Office of the Secretary Management Intern Program (202-208-3757) covers functional areas, such as budget administration, financial management, contracting, information management, human resources management, equal employment opportunity, and policy management.
The Government wide Acquisition Management Intern Program (202-219-2213) is a two-year internship designed to develop federal contract specialist into procurement professionals and future government business leaders.

The Financial Management Career Intern Program (202-208-3757) is a two-year program designed to develop future DOI financial leaders where interns enter programs at GS-5 through GS-9 and are permanently assigned to jobs upon internship completion.
Department of State Internships/Fellowships
Application Deadline: Rolling

There are many internship and fellowship opportunities to help students get foreign affairs/government experience on their website as well as an on line questionnaire to help applicants match their interests and career goals to these opportunities.

Judicial Branch Opportunities

Supreme Court Fellows Program
Application Deadline: November 5, 2007

This program places individuals for one calendar year in the U.S. Supreme court, the Federal Judicial Center, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, or the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Applicants for these paid fellowships must have at least one postgraduate degree, two or more years of exceptional professional experience, and multidisciplinary training and experience, including understanding of the judicial process.

Legislative Branch Opportunities

U.S. Congress Internships/Fellowships
House of Representatives:

Unpaid, year-round internships are available in many Member' offices in Washington, DC, in their district offices, and in congressional committee offices. Applications are found at Member's/committee individual websites, which can be found on the above Senate and House of Representatives website. Fellowships in congressional offices are offered by many organizations such as the American Political Science Association, the American Planning Association, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, which give exposure to public policy and the legislative process. Placement for these fellowships are done through these sponsoring organizations, whose websites can be found by searching the Web by using the phrase "congressional fellowship". Some congressional fellowships are listed on the "Fellowship Programs" page of (

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Internship Website: (
Fellowship Website:
Application Deadline Internships: March 1, 2007

The Congressional Budget Office provides Congress with budget-related information and explains possible budget ramifications of proposed bills reported by congressional committees. Recent college graduates can apply for paid 10-week summer internships, in which they work on analysis on CBO's various divisions. CBO also offers paid Economic Policy Fellowships for applicants with Ph.D's.

Library of Congress, the choose "Internships, Fellowship & Volunteer Programs"
The Library of Congress offers unpaid and paid internship, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities in several departments such as the American Folklife Center, the Conservation Division, and the Hispanic Division.

Other Federal Government Opportunities

Smithsonian Fellowship & Internship Programs
Fellowship Opportunities:
Internship Opportunities:

The Smithsonian Institution provides various fellowship and internship programs and academic appointments within its museums and research institutes. Program descriptions are available on line.

The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars

The center's internship program provides unpaid opportunities in the Washington, DC are to college students and post graduates who are placed within the public (including the Federal Government), private, and nonprofit sectors. Several internship programs are available for minority applicants, and financial assistance is also available.

Minority Federal Government Opportunities

Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)

APAICS offers paid and unpaid internship and fellowship opportunities to Asian Pacific Americans to encourage participation in the political process. Selected students work with a congressional office or government agency in Washington, DC.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Fellows Program
Application Deadline: April

The CBCF offers two fellowship programs: The Congressional Fellows Program and the Louis Stokes Urban Health Policy Fellows Program. Both aim to provide research and policy analysis opportunities for persons with graduate or professional degrees. Fellows have an opportunity to assist in the development of legislative and public policy initiatives. Fellows conduct research and analysis, draft legislation, coordinate logistics and public testimony for congressional hearings.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Fellowship Program
Application Deadline: March

Fellowship program offers up to 20 Latino graduate students or recent college graduates hands-on experience in the public policy arena. Fellows participate in a week-long orientation designed to develop professional and leadership skills needed. Following the orientation, CHCI fellows research and interview with possible placements, and decide on the Congressional office, federal agency, media, business and federal affairs office, advocacy groups, and other government-related offices that best matches their interests. Fellows receive round-trip transportation and a stipend.

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) National Internship Program

This national internship program recruits undergraduate and graduate students from all academic majors for paid summer and semester internships at federal agencies and private companies in Washington, DC and throughout the country. Interns may also receive round-trip transportation and housing.

Minority Access Internship Program

This paid internship program for undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants are selected by federal agencies and other participating organizations in the Washington, DC area. Interns may receive assistance with housing and expenses.

Morris K. Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Summer Internship Program
Application Deadline: January

The foundation offers Native American students the opportunity to work in congressional offices, federal agencies, or the White House for 10 weeks. Interns receive round-trip transportation, housing, and a stipend.

The Women's Research and Education Institute Congressional Fellowship Program
Application Deadline: May

WREI awards annual fellowships to a select number of graduate students with a proven commitment to equity for women. These fellows gain practical policymaking experience and graduate credit as they work for one academic year as congressional legislative aides in Washington, DC. Fellows receive stipend and tuition and living expenses.

Other Internships/Fellowships

The Bryce Harlow Scholarship
Application Deadline: April

For students who are pursuing a career in professional advocacy through public affairs, government relations or lobbying and are undertaking part-time law, business, public policy, and other graduate level studies while working full time.

The DHS Scholarship and Fellowship Program
Application Deadline: January

For students interested in pursuing the basic science and technology innovations that can be applied to the DHS mission.

Excellence in Government Fellows Program
Application Deadline: Currently Being Accepted - Applications may be submitted on line or to or fax 202 728-0422. Electronic applications are strongly encouraged.

This fellows program is an experience for senior executives in federal, state, county, city and tribal governments. Over the course of a year fellows focus on cutting edge management and innovative problem solving.

Internship, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, Office of Policy Analysis
This paid internship position is for a 2nd year graduate student in a "career-track" mode.

Charles G. Koch Associate and Internship Programs
Koch Associate Program Application Deadline: Fall, 2007 for 2008-09 year program

The Koch Associate Program is a year-long, paid talent development program designed to develop up and coming leaders and entrepreneurs interested in liberty, which helps them develop experience for careers with market-oriented think tanks, policy institutes, and non-profit organizations.

Koch Internship Program Application Deadlines:
Fall Internship Program (9/10/07-12/14/07) - No Deadline Application
2008 Spring Internship Program (1/7/08-5/9/2008) - No Deadline Application
2008 Summer Internship Program (6/9/09 - 8/22/08) - March 31, 2008

The Koch Internship Program is a condensed version of the Koch Associate Program and is incorporated into a semester-long schedule, which is offered in the Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Pacific Forum Center for Strategic & International Studies Vasey Fellowship
Application Deadline: July 15, 2007

Vasey Fellows serve as junior researchers at the Pacific Forum to gain an appreciation of Asia-Pacific economic and security affairs and policymaking challenges. This is designed to provide greater opportunity for young, promising Asian scholars to develop hands-on expertise in U.S.-Asia policy issues and is available for periods ranging from three months to one year. The Vasey Fellow will conduct independent research and assist in Pacific Forum research/programs receiving a cost of living stipend ($1500).

New York City Urban Fellows Program
Application Deadline: August 1, 2007 Applications for 2008-2009 year available on website.

Since, 1969, the Urban Fellows Program has introduced college graduates to local government and public service. This nine-month program, which offers a paid stipend of $25,000, combines full time employment with a comprehensive seminar series exploring the mechanics of local government and electoral politics and important issues facing the City. Fellows appreciate the wide range of challenges in New York City government from the budget process to agency operations, affordable housing, affordable health care, education, to economic development.

Rosenthal Fellowship in International Relations
Application Deadline: February

Provides the opportunity to spend the summer working for a member of Congress or at the State Department on foreign affairs issues. Stipend of $1800 awarded.

Boren Graduate Fellowship National Security Education Program (NSEP)
Application Deadline: January

This fellowship program supports graduate students interested in languages, world regions with a national security focus.

Fulbright and Related Grants
Application Deadline: October 19, 2007

This program was developed by Congress and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. It is the largest international exchange program offering students, scholars, and professionals the opportunity to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, and teaching worldwide.

Carnegie Council Fellows Program
Application Deadline: January

The Carnegie Council's Fellows Program seeks applicants in the field of human rights to carry out field-based research that examines existing levels of public legitimacy for a specific human rights concern and/or how to enhance public legitimacy for this concern.

Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs
Application Deadline: January (Click on Coro Programs)

Fellows work in a series of assignments with a government agency, business, political campaign, labor union, media organization, non-profit group. Fellows' experience is individually tailored.

Echoing Green Fellowship Program
Application Deadline: December 3, 2007

The Echoing Green Fellowship Program provides fellows with capital and technical assistance necessary to create innovative public service organizations and projects for social change. A grant is distributed to each fellow over a two year period, & applicants should have their degree completed before starting this fellowship (a full time commitment is required to work on their project).

Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program
Application Deadline: January

Fellows are placed for six months with urban and rural community based organizations all over the country involved in fighting hunger at the local level such as food banks, community kitchens, and local advocacy agencies. They then move to Washington, DC to complete the year with six months of work at national organizations involved in the anti-hunger and poverty movement, including national advocacy organizations, think tanks, and federal agencies.

The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship
Application Deadline: January

This fellows program is a service/learning program that provides exceptional individuals the opportunity to develop and refine skills important in the global fight against hunger. Fellows receive a monthly stipend and an end of service stipend at the end of the two-year program.

Environmental Protection Agency, NNEMS Fellowships
Application Deadline: January

The EPA National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) includes numerous undergraduate and graduate student fellowship programs and application information.

Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship
Application Deadline: February & October 15, 2007

Twice yearly, the Fellowship's Board of Directors selects individuals to spend six to nine months in Washington. Supported by a monthly stipend, the Fellows serve as full time project assistants at the participating organization of their choice. Schoville Fellows, through independent projects with their chosen organization and the larger community dedicated to peace and security issues have rich opportunities to gain experience and leadership skills and help translate their social concerns into action. Each Fellow selects a board member to serve as their mentor.

Tisdale Fellowship
Application Deadline: February

An eight-week fellowship in the government relations office of a leading high technology company or association and a weekly seminar organized with the assistance of the sponsoring company and association.

J.W. Saxe Memorial Fellowship
Application Deadline: March 15

This memorial fund provides scholarships annually to one or more undergraduate or graduate students working in public service. The award is meant to enable the student to gain practical experience in public service by taking a no-pay or low-pay job during a summer or other term.

Everett Foundation Public Service Internship Program
Application Deadline: Rolling Application Deadline

Internships are full time for at least a 10 week period. Prospective interns apply directly to the public policy organization of their choice, but are funded by the Everett Foundation. See their website for participating organizations.

Mashall Memorial Fellowship
Application Deadline: August

The German Marshall Fund (GMF) awards more than 100 Marshall Memorial Fellowships each year to leaders in politics, government, business, media, and the nonprofit sector and provides them with opportunities to explore societies, institutions, and people on the other side of the Atlantic. Fellows meet informally and formally with a range of policymakers and prominent members of the business, government, political, and media communities. GMF works closely with partner institutions and individual consultants in each city, providing Fellows with invaluable local perspectives on the transatlantic and domestic agenda issues.
General Government Resources (The Federal Government's official website providing a list of all federal agencies and departments) (Federal Government Jobs Website)

Student Jobs/e-Scholar Page

The e-Scholar website, a joint project of the Office of Personnel Management and the Student Financial Assistance Office of the U.S. Department of Education, provides students with information on various educational opportunities available within the federal government, including internships, fellowships, apprenticeships, and cooperative programs.

USA Jobs

This U.S. federal government job website is for finding permanent positions, but it also provides students with links to federal internships, student programs, and volunteer opportunities.

Internship/ Fellowship, Summer Job Resources

The Best 109 Internships (Princeton Review). 9th ed. New York: Random House, Inc., 2003.

Congressional Intern Handbook: A Guide For Interns and Newcomers to Capitol Hill. Washington, DC: Congressional Management Foundation.

Encyclopedia of Associations. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale.

The Internship Bible (Princeton Review). New York: Random House, Inc.

Peterson's Internships. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's

Summer Jobs in the U.S.A. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson

Women In Politics Summit Event

Can a female ever become President in our country?
Can a female political leader be considered competent and likable at the same time?
Can we be doing more to develop our female student leaders here at USD?
The Women's Center invites you to explore these questions at the
Women in Politics Summit
Friday, March 28, 2008
8:00AM – 2:00 PM

The purpose of the summit is to examine the role of gender within the past and present political landscape of the United States. The summit will also explore how to develop the landscape of women leaders at the University of San Diego. Specifically, the summit will attempt to foster an environment where women feel empowered as leaders within their daily lives and the communities of which they are a part.
All members of the USD community – women and men alike - are invited to participate! Please RSVP to no later than Wednesday, March 26th.
Please forward this email on to folks who may be interested. Thank you in advance for your support of Women's History Month!

Sara Headden
Graduate Assistant, Women's Center
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 260-2396

Young, Jewish and Left

California Western School of Law Jewish Student Union, National Lawyers Guild, Pride Law and Middle Eastern Law Student Association; USD School of Law Jewish Law Student Association and Pride Law; Thomas Jefferson School of Law National Lawyers Guild and Hillel of San Diego

Young, Jewish and Left
A film by Irit Reinheimer and Konnie Chameides
With Special Guest, Konnie Chameides

Reception, Film Screening and Community Panel Discussion
Hosted by California Western School of Law

Thursday, March 27, 2008
6-9 pm
350 Cedar Street
1st Floor

RSVP required for reception only*
Film and discussion open to all**

Outside the mainstream because of their race, spiritual practices, sexuality, gender and politics, young Jews build radical communities.

A celebration of diversity, Young Jewish and Left weaves queer culture, Jewish Arab history, secular Yiddishkiet, anti-racist analysis, and religious/spiritual traditions into multi-layered tapestry of Leftist politics. Personal experiences from many of today’s leading Jewish activists reframe the possibilities of Jewish identity.

“. . .Fascinating, exposing a Judaism deeply embedded with artistic creativity, solidarity activism,
queer performance, and radical alliance building.”
-Maxwell Schnurer, Professor of Communcation Humboldt State University
“I found [Young, Jewish, and Left]extremely inspiring and important and recommend it highly for
other non Jews engaged in activism and organizing. . . _e US left has always benefited from the
leadership of radical Jews, and this film continues that tradition.”
—Rahula Janowski, Heads Up Collective

"[Young, Jewish, and Left] is a remarkable safe space--a place where the pretense of singularity in
Jewish thought is shattered, and where Jews are free to be Jewish on their own terms."
-Davida Marion, _e Internationalist Magazine

For more information about the film please visit

*You must RSVP and be 21 years of age to attend the VIP reception
**Film Screening and Panel Discussion are open to the public and anyone may attend freely

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Summer Legal Intern Position at Office of Legal Counsel to the New York City Economic Development Corporation

Job Title:

Summer Legal Intern

Start Date:

June 2008

Job Description:

The Summer Legal Intern will assist in providing legal counsel to New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) and New York City Industrial Development Agency (NYCIDA). The position can be offered on a part-time or full-time basis with a salary.

· Interest in real estate, planning and land use, and general municipal law.
Some prior experience in these fields would be a plus.
· Excellent Writing Skills.
· Must be detail-oriented and self-motivated.
· At a minimum, completion of at least one year of law school, but students
who have completed two years of law school are preferred.


The New York City Economic Development Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To learn more, go to:

Application / Contact Information:

Please submit resume and writing sample by April 4, 2008 to Astrid Andre at Email:

Monday, March 10, 2008

Redefining Civic Engagement and Asian Americans

Come to a day where we explore the many dimensions of what civic
engagement means for Asian Pacific Islanders (API's). While learning
about what civic engagement entails in terms of public policy for the
API community, participants will also be encouraged to try and connect
what they learn to their everyday lives. Through workshops, panels and
open dialogue, we hope to encourage civic participation on many levels.

The day will include the opportunity for political networking with
actual API political leaders while offering valuable skill sets for
community members to become active and effective advocates, leaders
and elected officials.

Workshops include*:
- How to Get Involved on Boards and Commissions
- Advocacy Training: Converting Ideas into Actions
- Effectively Communicating Your Ideas
- How to Influence Your Elected Officials

*Workshop topics are subject to change

When: April 5th, 2008; 8:30 AM ­ 3:30 PM

Where: Cal State Los Angeles

How: Register online at

Cost: $15 general, FREE for students (includes lunch and materials)

Funded by The James Irvine Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Southern
California Edison, AT&T, and The PepsiCO Leadership Center of Cal State LA

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Student Stress Focus Group Participation

A msg from Janet Madden, the Director of Academic Services - please forward to your club members if this sounds like something they would be interested participating in!!!


Dear Law Students--I know you guys are busy people, but this might be fun and interesting. The university is studying student stress, and they want to set up focus groups that include grad students like you. Read on for more information. ~Janet
(And please feel free to send this along to anyone you think might want to participate.)

"A pizza for your thoughts!"
The Stress Task Force is recruiting student volunteers to take part in focus groups that will take place over the next few weeks. Dining Services is serving pizza, fruit & drinks to participants in the focus group sessions, which will last an hour and a half. Please invite any students who might be interested, to contact Margaret at: for more information. (See attached flyer) We still need students for all targeted groups (females, men, first-year, seniors, graduate students, students of color, & student athletes). Sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis.

You're invited: Pre-Law Day at Southwestern College

Dear Law student groups,

We have planned a Pre-Law presentation for interested students at Southwestern College (SWC, located in Chula Vista) for Thursday, February 28, 2007 from 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. . . . we would love to hear student voices!

We have a diverse student population (largely Latino and Pilipino) and would appreciate any 2 or 3 students that may be able to join us on that day. Please consider it and respond accordingly. I will follow with additional details as needed.

Thank you!

Norma A. Cázares, MS

Southwestern College

Transfer Center Coordinator/Counselor

Puente Project Mentor Coordinator

(619) 482-6473

(619) 482-6514 (fax)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Presents: Women and the Law Conference is Women in Politics

Women have made enormous strides in the political arena. We have come a long way from the days when women served in Congress only when their husbands’ deaths caused a vacancy. With Senator Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president, we may soon surpass the aspiration of the 1960s: “A woman’s place is in the House…and the Senate.”

We are still a long way, however, from the day in which the ultimate glass ceiling will be shattered and a candidate’s gender will be considered truly irrelevant in an election. This year’s Women and the Law Conference hosted by the Women and the Law Project at Thomas Jefferson School of Law brings together an inspirational panel of female politicians and political scientists to examine the role gender plays in U.S. politics.

The conference speakers will explore a number of topics, including: special challenges facing women politicians; the intersectional effects of race, class, and gender in elections; the role of gender in campaign messages; gender voting patterns; partisan differences in the nomination of women to office; female congressional candidates; and male/female judicial and political voting patterns.

Speakers at the 2008 conference who have held political office include Dede Alpert (former state senator); Midge Costanza (assistant to President Carter); Bonnie Dumanis (San Diego District Attorney); Donna Frye (San Diego City Councilwoman and mayoral candidate); Karen Hewitt (U.S. Attorney); Christine Kehoe (state senator); Carol Lam (Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel, QUALCOMM Inc.); Sharon Majors-Lewis (Judicial Appointments Secretary to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger); and Lynn Schenk (former U.S. Congresswoman).

The academic speakers are political science professors who are experts on the role of gender in elections and political appointments and include: Lisa Garcia Bedolla (U.C. Irvine); Barbara Burrell (N. Ill. University); Madhavi McCall (SDSU); Melinda Mueller (E. Ill. University); Valerie O’Regan (Cal State Fullerton); Barbara Palmer (American University); Ronnee Schreiber (SDSU) and Stephen Stambough (Cal State Fullerton).

Panel Moderators include Gloria Penner (National Public Radio/KPBS); Susan Taylor, NBC, San Diego,

Norma Damashek, The League of Women Voters and Lorena Gonzalez, AFL-CIO.

To register and obtain more information, please visit or contact Randy Ward (; (619) 297-9700 ext. 1415.


Thomas Jefferson School of Law
San Diego, California
February 29, 2008

8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 Opening remarks
Rudy Hasl, Dean, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Julie Greenberg, Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law

9:00-10:30 Panel 1: Women as Leaders

Lorena Gonzalez, AFL-CIO, Moderator

Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Associate Professor, University of California, Irvine, “Intersections of Inequality: Race, Class and Gender in Politics”
Carol C. Lam, Senior Vice-President, Legal Counsel, QUALCOMM Inc., “Building Credibility: What Does it Take?”
Sharon Majors-Lewis, Judicial Appointments Secretary to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Achieving Racial and Gender Diversity on the Bench: Why it Matters”
Ronnee Schreiber, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, “Exploring Ideological Differences: Conservative Women Political Leaders”

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:15 Panel 2: Getting Elected and Staying in Office: Special Challenges Faced by Women (Part I)

Susan Taylor, NBC, San Diego, Moderator

Barbara Burrell, Professor, Northern Illinois University,
“Female Congressional Candidates in Open Seat Primaries and General Elections”
Donna Frye, San Diego City Councilwoman,
“Special Challenges Facing Female Politicians”
Midge Costanza, Former Assistant to President Jimmy Carter, and
Lynn Schenk, Former Congresswoman,
“Is the United States Ready for a Woman President? Obstacles Women Candidates Face in a Presidential Race”

12:15-12:30 Break
12:30-1:30 Lunch and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture

Sandra Rierson, Assistant Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Introduction

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture:
Barbara Palmer, Assistant Professor, American University,
“Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling, Incumbency, Redistricting, and the Success of Women Candidates”

1:30-2:00 Break

2:00-3:30 Panel 3: Getting Elected and Staying in Office: Special Challenges Faced by Women (Part II)

Gloria Penner, National Public Radio/KPBS, Moderator

Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego District Attorney,
“Tackling Gender Issues During a Campaign”
Christine Kehoe, California State Senator,
“Women in Leadership Roles: Why Aren’t There More of Us?”
Valerie O’Regan, Assistant Professor, Cal State Fullerton, and
Steven Stambough, Associate Professor, Cal State Fullerton, “Partisan Differences in the Nomination of Women to Office”

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:15 Panel 4: Assessing the Impact (if any) of Gender on Decision-Making in Law and Politics

Norma Damashek, The League of Women Voters, Moderator

Dede Alpert, former California State Senator,
“Having Women in Elective Office: Does it Make a Difference?”
Karen P. Hewitt, United States Attorney, Southern District of California, “Women and Leadership: The Role of Federal Prosecutors in the Legal Community”
Madhavi McCall, Associate Professor, San Diego State University,
“Structuring Gender’s Impact: Judicial Voting Across Criminal Justice Topics”
Melinda Mueller, Professor, Eastern Illinois University,
“Gender Differences in the 2006 House Elections: The Effect of Gender and Rhetoric on the War in Iraq”

5:15-6:15 Reception

NASALSA's 10th Annual Conference

NASALSA's 10th Annual Conference
Reflecting Back, Reaching Forward: Building on a Decade of Progress

Where: Los Angeles, California

When: President's Day Weekend, February 15-17, 2008
Who: Law Students, Lawyers, Future Law Students

· Early Registration ends January 15th! Go register NOW before the fees increase!!
Registration Site:

Our unbeatable group rate at the Hotel Angeleno expires January 24, so make your reservations soon!!
Hotel Reservation page:

· Travel Scholarship Deadline is January 15

Application available:

The North American South Asian Law Student Association (NASALSA) is an organization that provides a network to aid in the personal and professional development of South Asian law students. Many law schools have South Association Law Student Associations (SALSAs), which serve as the regional chapters of NASALSA. The first NASALSA conference was held in 1998. NASALSA is a non-profit association, representing the interests of growing number of South Asian law students in the United States and Canada. NASALSA's main contribution to the South Asian law student community is its annual conference.

The 10th Annual Conference
Last year, roughly 300 law students from over 30 law schools came to San Francisco. The Conference brings together prominent speakers to give inspirational keynote addresses, including discussion of current legal issues, career advice, and things that future South Asian lawyers should be aware of. In addition, panels and workshops allow law students to have more focused discussions. There also be career development segments like Speed Mentoring and Mock Interviews. Of course, there will be plenty of social events so attendees (both law students and lawyers) can network in a more casual setting.

What's New This Year
- More Prominent Speakers
- Increased Keynotes/Panels on South Asians' Role in Politics
- Larger Involvement of the Judiciary
- Career Fair, sponsored by Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
- Travel Scholarships for Law Students (see website on how to apply - preference will be given to non-California students)
- Writing Circle for Law Students Trying to Get Published
- Art Display Competition
- A full program scheduled for Sunday

Panels and Speakers

Our keynotes include

- Muneer Ahmad, a professor of law at American University who has worked in defense of Guantanamo detainees

- Vanita Gupta, a renowned civil rights attorney who has worked on a number of very high profile cases with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, including leading a successful effort to overturn the drug convictions of 38 defendants in Tulia, Texas. She now works with the ACLU Racial Justice Project.

- Judge Sabita Singh, an Associate Justice of the District Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, who previously worked on human trafficking cases as an Assistant US Attorney, and with Bingham McCutchen's White Collar Crime and Business Regulation Group.

We will have over 15 panels and workshops, with nearly 100 attorneys and other professionals to present.

Conference Website:

Join our Facebook Group:

For general questions, feel free to contact the Board's Co-President, Rohini Khanna, at

For sponsorship inquiries, please contact the Board's Treasurer, Vib Mittal, at .

Please forward this announcement to groups/individuals who would be interested in attending/sponsoring.

Capital Fellows Programs

Deadline: February 27, 2008

Assembly Fellows Program;

Senate Fellows Program;

Executive Fellows Program; and

Judicial Administration Fellows Program

These programs, known collectively as the Capital Fellows Programs, are nationally recognized. The 18 Assembly Fellows, 18 Senate Fellows, 18 Executive Fellows and 10 Judicial Administration Fellows receive an outstanding opportunity to engage in public service and prepare for future careers, while actively contributing to the development and implementation of public policy in California. The ranks of former fellows and associates include a Justice of the California Supreme Court, members of the United States Congress and the State Legislature, a deputy director of the Peace Corps, corporate executives, and local government and community leaders.

Download Application Here: