University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Young, Jewish and Left

California Western School of Law Jewish Student Union, National Lawyers Guild, Pride Law and Middle Eastern Law Student Association; USD School of Law Jewish Law Student Association and Pride Law; Thomas Jefferson School of Law National Lawyers Guild and Hillel of San Diego

Young, Jewish and Left
A film by Irit Reinheimer and Konnie Chameides
With Special Guest, Konnie Chameides

Reception, Film Screening and Community Panel Discussion
Hosted by California Western School of Law

Thursday, March 27, 2008
6-9 pm
350 Cedar Street
1st Floor

RSVP required for reception only*
Film and discussion open to all**

Outside the mainstream because of their race, spiritual practices, sexuality, gender and politics, young Jews build radical communities.

A celebration of diversity, Young Jewish and Left weaves queer culture, Jewish Arab history, secular Yiddishkiet, anti-racist analysis, and religious/spiritual traditions into multi-layered tapestry of Leftist politics. Personal experiences from many of today’s leading Jewish activists reframe the possibilities of Jewish identity.

“. . .Fascinating, exposing a Judaism deeply embedded with artistic creativity, solidarity activism,
queer performance, and radical alliance building.”
-Maxwell Schnurer, Professor of Communcation Humboldt State University
“I found [Young, Jewish, and Left]extremely inspiring and important and recommend it highly for
other non Jews engaged in activism and organizing. . . _e US left has always benefited from the
leadership of radical Jews, and this film continues that tradition.”
—Rahula Janowski, Heads Up Collective

"[Young, Jewish, and Left] is a remarkable safe space--a place where the pretense of singularity in
Jewish thought is shattered, and where Jews are free to be Jewish on their own terms."
-Davida Marion, _e Internationalist Magazine

For more information about the film please visit

*You must RSVP and be 21 years of age to attend the VIP reception
**Film Screening and Panel Discussion are open to the public and anyone may attend freely


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