University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Battle of the Brains

Enough Said. See you there!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Renter Needed


I'm moving out of my apartment in mid-December, the weekend after finals. Its month to month so I'm not in a jam to look for someone to take over a lease or anything. But its really cheap, so I wanted to see if anyone wanted it before my landlord puts it out on the market. Its $700 rent, utilities included (including cable tv), furnished. Its very small, maybe 350 square feet. There's a kitchenette with a sink, microwave, george forman grill, and a regular sized fridge. The bathroom has a standup shower, no tub. You don't need to bring anything in, it comes with all the furniture you need including a TV.

The address is 1092 Fresno Street #10A San Diego, CA 92110.

If interested please contact Angie at 619 321-9215 or through e-mail

Friday, November 10, 2006

2006-2007 Judicial Internship Opportunity Program

The Judicial Intern Opportunity Program is a summer internship program open to all first or second-year minority or financially disadvantaged law students who want to do legal research and writing for state or federal judges in:


Washington, DC
Miami, FL
Phoenix, AZ


Participating judges are from the US District Court for the northern and Central Districts of Illinois; US Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois; Illinois Circuit Courts; US District Court for the Eastern, Western and Southern Districts of Texas; Texas Civil District Courts; 11th Judicial Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County; US District Court for the Southern District of Florida in Miami; Arizona Court of Appeals; Arizona Supreme Court; Maricopa Superior Court; US District Court for the District of Arizona in Phoenix; Los Angeles Superior Court of California; US Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California; and US District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles. New judges in San Francisco, CA and Washington, DC are being added for summer 2007 program expansion.

Interns will receive an ward of $1,500. The time commitment can vary by student, subject to a six-week minimum. Students will be expected to coordinate their schedules with their individual judges and to work the hours (normally 35-40 hours per week) required by each judge.

Students are asked to submit a complete application, legal writing sample and a statement of interest. Detailed program information, faqs, and a copy of the application are available at the program website. We will begin accepting applications on October 15th for second-year law students and December 1st for first-year law students. Screening interviews will be held on a rolling admission basis, after the application period begins. Judicial interviews will be based on qualifications. All applications must be postmarked by January 12, 2007 for consideration.

Please refer to the website, for additional information, or contact the program director, Gail Howard at (312) 988-6348,, with questions.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner

Don't forget APALSA's Thanksgiving Potluck is being held this Friday at 5:30 p.m. See you there!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Equal Rights Advocate Fellowship

The Ruth Chance Law Fellows is a one or two year (renewable by mutual agreement) position beginning August 2007. ERA is a non-profit civil and human rights legal organization whose mission is to protect and secure equal rights and economic opportunities for women and girls through litigation and advocacy. ERA is seekings a 2006 or 2007 J.D. law school graduate. As a member of the legal services team at ERA, the Ruth Chance Law Fellow serves as a staff attorney and oversees the Advice and Counseling Program. The fellow works closely with other attorneys on litigation on gender discrimination in employment and education and special projects and participates in public education efforts. This position pays $40k plus benefits. If interested, please send your cover letter, resume, one legal writing sample that represents your original work, unedited by others, and three references to:

Sue Gershenson, Human Resources Manager
Equal Rights Advocates
1663 Mission Street, Suite 250
San Francisco, CA 95103

Or through email at Please visit for more information.

All applications must be received by January 17, 2007 and interviews held in February.

For more detailed information, please email