University of San Diego School of Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Student Stress Focus Group Participation

A msg from Janet Madden, the Director of Academic Services - please forward to your club members if this sounds like something they would be interested participating in!!!


Dear Law Students--I know you guys are busy people, but this might be fun and interesting. The university is studying student stress, and they want to set up focus groups that include grad students like you. Read on for more information. ~Janet
(And please feel free to send this along to anyone you think might want to participate.)

"A pizza for your thoughts!"
The Stress Task Force is recruiting student volunteers to take part in focus groups that will take place over the next few weeks. Dining Services is serving pizza, fruit & drinks to participants in the focus group sessions, which will last an hour and a half. Please invite any students who might be interested, to contact Margaret at: for more information. (See attached flyer) We still need students for all targeted groups (females, men, first-year, seniors, graduate students, students of color, & student athletes). Sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis.

You're invited: Pre-Law Day at Southwestern College

Dear Law student groups,

We have planned a Pre-Law presentation for interested students at Southwestern College (SWC, located in Chula Vista) for Thursday, February 28, 2007 from 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. . . . we would love to hear student voices!

We have a diverse student population (largely Latino and Pilipino) and would appreciate any 2 or 3 students that may be able to join us on that day. Please consider it and respond accordingly. I will follow with additional details as needed.

Thank you!

Norma A. Cázares, MS

Southwestern College

Transfer Center Coordinator/Counselor

Puente Project Mentor Coordinator

(619) 482-6473

(619) 482-6514 (fax)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Presents: Women and the Law Conference is Women in Politics

Women have made enormous strides in the political arena. We have come a long way from the days when women served in Congress only when their husbands’ deaths caused a vacancy. With Senator Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president, we may soon surpass the aspiration of the 1960s: “A woman’s place is in the House…and the Senate.”

We are still a long way, however, from the day in which the ultimate glass ceiling will be shattered and a candidate’s gender will be considered truly irrelevant in an election. This year’s Women and the Law Conference hosted by the Women and the Law Project at Thomas Jefferson School of Law brings together an inspirational panel of female politicians and political scientists to examine the role gender plays in U.S. politics.

The conference speakers will explore a number of topics, including: special challenges facing women politicians; the intersectional effects of race, class, and gender in elections; the role of gender in campaign messages; gender voting patterns; partisan differences in the nomination of women to office; female congressional candidates; and male/female judicial and political voting patterns.

Speakers at the 2008 conference who have held political office include Dede Alpert (former state senator); Midge Costanza (assistant to President Carter); Bonnie Dumanis (San Diego District Attorney); Donna Frye (San Diego City Councilwoman and mayoral candidate); Karen Hewitt (U.S. Attorney); Christine Kehoe (state senator); Carol Lam (Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel, QUALCOMM Inc.); Sharon Majors-Lewis (Judicial Appointments Secretary to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger); and Lynn Schenk (former U.S. Congresswoman).

The academic speakers are political science professors who are experts on the role of gender in elections and political appointments and include: Lisa Garcia Bedolla (U.C. Irvine); Barbara Burrell (N. Ill. University); Madhavi McCall (SDSU); Melinda Mueller (E. Ill. University); Valerie O’Regan (Cal State Fullerton); Barbara Palmer (American University); Ronnee Schreiber (SDSU) and Stephen Stambough (Cal State Fullerton).

Panel Moderators include Gloria Penner (National Public Radio/KPBS); Susan Taylor, NBC, San Diego,

Norma Damashek, The League of Women Voters and Lorena Gonzalez, AFL-CIO.

To register and obtain more information, please visit or contact Randy Ward (; (619) 297-9700 ext. 1415.


Thomas Jefferson School of Law
San Diego, California
February 29, 2008

8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 Opening remarks
Rudy Hasl, Dean, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Julie Greenberg, Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law

9:00-10:30 Panel 1: Women as Leaders

Lorena Gonzalez, AFL-CIO, Moderator

Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Associate Professor, University of California, Irvine, “Intersections of Inequality: Race, Class and Gender in Politics”
Carol C. Lam, Senior Vice-President, Legal Counsel, QUALCOMM Inc., “Building Credibility: What Does it Take?”
Sharon Majors-Lewis, Judicial Appointments Secretary to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Achieving Racial and Gender Diversity on the Bench: Why it Matters”
Ronnee Schreiber, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, “Exploring Ideological Differences: Conservative Women Political Leaders”

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:15 Panel 2: Getting Elected and Staying in Office: Special Challenges Faced by Women (Part I)

Susan Taylor, NBC, San Diego, Moderator

Barbara Burrell, Professor, Northern Illinois University,
“Female Congressional Candidates in Open Seat Primaries and General Elections”
Donna Frye, San Diego City Councilwoman,
“Special Challenges Facing Female Politicians”
Midge Costanza, Former Assistant to President Jimmy Carter, and
Lynn Schenk, Former Congresswoman,
“Is the United States Ready for a Woman President? Obstacles Women Candidates Face in a Presidential Race”

12:15-12:30 Break
12:30-1:30 Lunch and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture

Sandra Rierson, Assistant Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Introduction

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture:
Barbara Palmer, Assistant Professor, American University,
“Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling, Incumbency, Redistricting, and the Success of Women Candidates”

1:30-2:00 Break

2:00-3:30 Panel 3: Getting Elected and Staying in Office: Special Challenges Faced by Women (Part II)

Gloria Penner, National Public Radio/KPBS, Moderator

Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego District Attorney,
“Tackling Gender Issues During a Campaign”
Christine Kehoe, California State Senator,
“Women in Leadership Roles: Why Aren’t There More of Us?”
Valerie O’Regan, Assistant Professor, Cal State Fullerton, and
Steven Stambough, Associate Professor, Cal State Fullerton, “Partisan Differences in the Nomination of Women to Office”

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:15 Panel 4: Assessing the Impact (if any) of Gender on Decision-Making in Law and Politics

Norma Damashek, The League of Women Voters, Moderator

Dede Alpert, former California State Senator,
“Having Women in Elective Office: Does it Make a Difference?”
Karen P. Hewitt, United States Attorney, Southern District of California, “Women and Leadership: The Role of Federal Prosecutors in the Legal Community”
Madhavi McCall, Associate Professor, San Diego State University,
“Structuring Gender’s Impact: Judicial Voting Across Criminal Justice Topics”
Melinda Mueller, Professor, Eastern Illinois University,
“Gender Differences in the 2006 House Elections: The Effect of Gender and Rhetoric on the War in Iraq”

5:15-6:15 Reception

NASALSA's 10th Annual Conference

NASALSA's 10th Annual Conference
Reflecting Back, Reaching Forward: Building on a Decade of Progress

Where: Los Angeles, California

When: President's Day Weekend, February 15-17, 2008
Who: Law Students, Lawyers, Future Law Students

· Early Registration ends January 15th! Go register NOW before the fees increase!!
Registration Site:

Our unbeatable group rate at the Hotel Angeleno expires January 24, so make your reservations soon!!
Hotel Reservation page:

· Travel Scholarship Deadline is January 15

Application available:

The North American South Asian Law Student Association (NASALSA) is an organization that provides a network to aid in the personal and professional development of South Asian law students. Many law schools have South Association Law Student Associations (SALSAs), which serve as the regional chapters of NASALSA. The first NASALSA conference was held in 1998. NASALSA is a non-profit association, representing the interests of growing number of South Asian law students in the United States and Canada. NASALSA's main contribution to the South Asian law student community is its annual conference.

The 10th Annual Conference
Last year, roughly 300 law students from over 30 law schools came to San Francisco. The Conference brings together prominent speakers to give inspirational keynote addresses, including discussion of current legal issues, career advice, and things that future South Asian lawyers should be aware of. In addition, panels and workshops allow law students to have more focused discussions. There also be career development segments like Speed Mentoring and Mock Interviews. Of course, there will be plenty of social events so attendees (both law students and lawyers) can network in a more casual setting.

What's New This Year
- More Prominent Speakers
- Increased Keynotes/Panels on South Asians' Role in Politics
- Larger Involvement of the Judiciary
- Career Fair, sponsored by Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
- Travel Scholarships for Law Students (see website on how to apply - preference will be given to non-California students)
- Writing Circle for Law Students Trying to Get Published
- Art Display Competition
- A full program scheduled for Sunday

Panels and Speakers

Our keynotes include

- Muneer Ahmad, a professor of law at American University who has worked in defense of Guantanamo detainees

- Vanita Gupta, a renowned civil rights attorney who has worked on a number of very high profile cases with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, including leading a successful effort to overturn the drug convictions of 38 defendants in Tulia, Texas. She now works with the ACLU Racial Justice Project.

- Judge Sabita Singh, an Associate Justice of the District Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, who previously worked on human trafficking cases as an Assistant US Attorney, and with Bingham McCutchen's White Collar Crime and Business Regulation Group.

We will have over 15 panels and workshops, with nearly 100 attorneys and other professionals to present.

Conference Website:

Join our Facebook Group:

For general questions, feel free to contact the Board's Co-President, Rohini Khanna, at

For sponsorship inquiries, please contact the Board's Treasurer, Vib Mittal, at .

Please forward this announcement to groups/individuals who would be interested in attending/sponsoring.

Capital Fellows Programs

Deadline: February 27, 2008

Assembly Fellows Program;

Senate Fellows Program;

Executive Fellows Program; and

Judicial Administration Fellows Program

These programs, known collectively as the Capital Fellows Programs, are nationally recognized. The 18 Assembly Fellows, 18 Senate Fellows, 18 Executive Fellows and 10 Judicial Administration Fellows receive an outstanding opportunity to engage in public service and prepare for future careers, while actively contributing to the development and implementation of public policy in California. The ranks of former fellows and associates include a Justice of the California Supreme Court, members of the United States Congress and the State Legislature, a deputy director of the Peace Corps, corporate executives, and local government and community leaders.

Download Application Here: